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iSUP Patches

  • $5.95
    3.75" round PVC repair patches for Tower inflatable paddle boards.
    • Two (2) 3.75" PVC repair patches

    NOTE: PVC glue is not included. Any marine PVC glue from your local hardware store will work. 

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    Extended Product Information

    How to identify a leak on your inflatable SUP

    To locate a leak, inflate your inflatable paddle board and spray soapy water across surface. You will see bubbles forming wherever air is escaping. This is the area that needs to be patched. Mark the area with a pencil so you don't lose the location. Deflate board and then run through our repair instructions below.

    Patch instructions for an inflatable paddle board

    Steps to patching your inflatable paddle board:

    1. Thoroughly clean the board surface and the PVC patches with acetone. Repeat a few times waiting 5 minutes between each cleaning.
    2. Apply a thin layer of PVC glue to the patch and board surface. Spread evenly. Wait 3-5 minutes for the glue to become tacky.
    3. Heat glue on board surface and patch for 10-30 seconds with heat gun or hair dryer so that the PVC warmed.
    4. After the final 5 minute wait, press the patch to the board surface evenly. You will want to have the area to be patched lying as flat as possible.
    5. Apply pressure starting from the patch center and working your way outward. This can be done with the back of a spoon. Then work your way around the edge of the patch too.
    6. Wipe off any excess glue with acetone.
    7. Attach masking tape to area to keep patch in place while glue sets.
    8. Put something heavy on top of the patch while the glue sets for at least 24 hours.
    9. After 24 hours, remove heavy object and masking tape and your board should be good to use!
    Instructional Video of Patching an iSUP

    The Reviews Are In!

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Good patch

    Must have in isup tool bag